Band To Watch: Prostitute

Trevor Naud

Immediately due west of Detroit sits the USA’s first Arab-majority city. Dearborn, Michigan is home to over 100,000 residents, a University of Michigan campus, and the continent’s largest mosque. Its wide roads are lined with strip malls and gas stations; the spectre of a desiccated auto industry looms large above the whole region. It’s in this environment that vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Moe Kazra and drummer Andrew Kaster became fast friends in their youth, evolving into a brotherhood while working the same job and forming their band, Prostitute. This past fall, Prostitute dropped their dizzying debut album, Attempted Martyr, after furiously debating every line, every drum hit, every riff. Their passionate attention to every last detail paid off: Attempted Martyr has broken containment, with audiences worldwide taking in their theatrical noise rock with flashes of Arab, West African, and East Asian influences.