Venomous Echoes – Dysmor Review

I’ve told many friends, both online and in-person, that for death metal to connect with me these days, it’s got to go for my throat in unflinching, unapologetic ways, and that usually involves taking one of two avenues. Either the artist in question has to go all-out musically in a way that’s memorable yet uncompromisingly heavy, brutal, technical, chaotic, or all of the above, or the music has to come from a place of personal sincerity and experience. With Venomous Echoes, the project of sole mastermind Ben Vanweelden, it’s a maelstrom of frightening proportions brought on by Vanweelden’s personal struggles with body dysmorphia.1 Dysmor, the project’s third album, further explores a topic that far too many people experience in silence with unfaltering intensity.

In just a hair under 46 minutes, Dysmor tells the tale of an unfortunate soul trapped in a hell of their own mental and physical image. Riffs swirl and undulate like slimy, breathing walls trapping you within its calculating vortex, with Vanweelden snarling and screaming in a barely hinged fashion, recalling both The Curator (Portal) and Peter Benjamin (Voices) in delivery and intensity. Programmed blastbeats pummel you into and through the shattered earth. Even the saxophone that opens up “Walls of Memories and Despair” warns you that things aren’t going to be okay going forward. But these things alone, while all good and everything that metalheads love and crave, aren’t going to be enough to make a lasting impact.

No, the real prize here is how well everything ties together thematically. It’s not easy to write music that’s barely tied together with the most frayed of twine, yet have it get its message across, but Vanheelden made it flow somehow. The odd groove that happens in the middle of “Walls of Memories and Despair” would have easily derailed the insanity that precedes and follows it, but it works. “Broken” starts of with a tranquil-enough piano melody before even that warps and distorts into something sinister and uncomfortable. Speaking of uncomfortable, the sad, subdued sobbing that punctuates just past the halfway mark of closing highlight “The Begetter” indicates that something terrible is going to happen, with the following riffs and closing atmospherics that would make The Great Old Ones proud pretty much confirming all suspicions.

Dysmor sounds appropriately grimy and discommoding, barely kissing against aural cacophony but not quite going beyond that line. With riffs slicing and julienning and a pissed-off drum machine laying waste to everything, anyone could see Dysmor getting swallowed up by a cyclone of its own design, but somehow it’s barely constrained enough to keep it together for the listener to hear. What can be a bit fatiguing is the length of some of the more atmospheric passages. By trimming some of the endings a bit (like the keyboard swirls that occur in the last almost two minutes of “Deafeated and Withered Creation”),2 it would help out a little with the overall impact.

But an impact this definitely made. I often worry whenever an artist writes music detailing a rather personal struggle, as it could very easily be heavy-handed or horribly delivered. But like An Isolated Mind before him, Vanweelden crafted an album that simultaneously crushes skulls and slices nerves. Ask anyone who’s ever experienced body dysmorphia, and they’ll tell you that no amount of external body shaming can compare to the hell of those who are beating themselves up,3 and Dysmor lays that all out to bare with amazing results. I sincerely both applaud Vanweelden for his bravery, intensity, and honesty in communicating his battles with body dysmorphia through his art, but I’m also pulling for his continued efforts in overcoming a silent, yet all-too-common, struggle.

Rating: 3.5/5.0
DR: 5 | Format Reviewed: 256 kbps mp3
Label: I, Voidhanger Records
Websites: Ampwall | Bandcamp | Facebook
Releases Worldwide: February 28th, 2025

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